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Children's Day in different countries spend their own way. In India, in the state of Maharashtra, babies are thrown off the roof of the temple.
Happiness and health are not given simply by the inhabitants of Maharashtra. To receive a blessing, you must prove your faith. As evidence, people use the most expensive thing they have - children. Once a year in the state villages, toddlers who are under two years old are betrayed to God's will. Mediators are the servants of the temple. The ritual is reminiscent of salvation in case of fire. Taking the baby by the arms and legs, they swing it and are thrown from a 15-meter height to prayers. At the bottom of a crying baby, 14 men are caught on the stretched fabric. Another one picks up the baby when it bounces off the blanket, and hands it to the parents waiting in the crowd.
Each year, about 200 families, including both Hindus and Muslims, take part in the ritual. People believe that this guarantees their children health and long life, and their family happiness.

Indian National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child has repeatedly tried to ban the ritual. But in poor villages, where infant mortality is high, education is low, and medical services are available only to the elect, people are used to relying only on God.