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Visiting wildlife

Park Yellowstone is one of the main symbols of America, along with the statue of Liberty and the White house. Located in surrounded by the Rocky mountains basin, it was named in honor of then flowing Yellowstone river ("yellow stone"), which takes its origin in them. The Indians called the river Nissi-a-dazi ("river of yellow stones") that the first colonists, from France, translated as Roche Jaune ("galesbury"). Indeed, the mountains at the source have a yellowish hue, because they are made from basalt and Sandstone.

On an area of almost 9 thousand hectares on the territory of the States of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho there was a place for rare species of plants (e.g. sand verbena), animals and birds, including grizzly bear, lynx and Wolverine, American pie, the Swan trumpeter. Despite the changeable climate, fertile soil and clean air make the Park a great place for large mammals such as bison, elk, mule deer and elk. Most of the animals move freely on the territory of the Park, and so visiting tourists are recommended not only to find the weather forecast but also to bring a whistle and pepper spray in order to avoid unexpected encounters. To hunt in the reserve, of course, prohibited.

In addition to the observation of unique flora and fauna, Yellowstone, visitors will find about half of all geothermal sources in the world, the world's largest Steamboat geyser and petrified forest, as well as campsites and tourist complexes where there is a schedule of eruptions of geysers and gift shops. According to employees, the latter are very popular with most guests. You can move around on paved roads, laid in the twentieth century; one of them passes very close to multi-colored top of a sleeping SUPERVOLCANO, the largest on the continent.

But what lies outside the conservation area and mountains, is too fragile to Park stretched climbers and climbers? In the TV series "Yellowstone" at the border of the Park is located the largest US ranch of John Dutton (Kevin costner) who breeds in the fertile land, has not yet experienced the influence of the urban environment, horses. In the character of the cowboy embodies features of the first white Americans who received allotments by the authorities: hardness, hard work and, most importantly, the intention not to concede even a tiny plot of land strangers like ambitious business people or inhabitants of an Indian reservation.

Struggle for the land

Private property is one of the core values of "white immigrants" in the United States, including in the North-Western States. After the beginning of colonization former Europeans had the opportunity to assign huge tracts of land or later buy them from the state or speculators. According to the HOMESTEAD act passed in 1862, anyone over 21 could obtain the land for free, pay $ 18 for the paperwork. Difficulty started after: hopeful immigrants had not only to tame the unknown wilderness, but also to repel aggression on the part of the Indians. Each side fought the battle in the name of prosperity and honor, so the phrase "the earth is soaked with blood" it is no exaggeration when describing the most part of territory of the West today. The territory of the Park, Yellowstone remained intact only through the intervention of the Congress: ending the dispute between the States of Montana and Wyoming, in 1872, he gave the Park reserve status of the object. Thus, the USA became the first country in the world that have recognized the importance of preserving natural heritage for future generations. Thanks to this, today, visitors to Yellowstone can see such natural wonders as Grand prismatic spring (resembling blue-green eyes red underground dragon), the world's largest geyser, the Steamboat, and the rare petrified forests.

However, the land around the Park's special status did not have, so their owners feel in a constant state of war. And though the era of bloody battles at some point came to an end, replaced by greedy neighbors came tourists and businessmen. The family of Datanow from the TV series "Yellowstone", which contained the ranch for many years, has managed to keep its historical spirit: the cowboys then drive the cattle on horseback, and the owner of word and deed makes clear that the grounds for the Rodeo and other attractions will never be here. Extensive pastures, a small but reliable home and fresh air — that will always have value for farmers. Their position is expressed succinctly and simply: "In America, the land share". Too expensive to price she got, and the neglect of tradition in the name of pleasure of new generations is tantamount to treason. The plot of the series represents a relentless struggle between conservatism, originality of nature and the inevitable changes in established ways of life, which also affects Yellowstone.

The advent of the city

Yielding to oncoming progress, management of Yellowstone Park was built on site hotels with Wi-Fi, museums, and other tourist facilities for a comfortable stay all year round. Still restrictions for tourists to catch fish (special of the Yellowstone salmon) and walking Pets allows you to save the rare flora and fauna, but in the future they may be endangered. To improve the conditions of animals necessary tools that you can get from curious tourists, but it is necessary to ensure their safety and comfort.

Now managers are able to maintain a balance between the needs of visitors and permanent inhabitants of the Park, but what might happen next, when the first increase? Managers had a difficult choice: to continue to develop the existing site or to begin expansion, for example on adjacent farmland. The last option shown in the series "Yellowstone" and raises mixed feelings: it seems that some new force is about to come to an established way of life of certain groups of people (in this case farmers). The mind involuntarily comes the gradual occupation by Europeans of native Indian lands. Surely the same will happen with natural objects?

The need to preserve unique nature reserves poses in front of people difficult question: whether in the interests of the majority to sacrifice their own well-being and to compromise on principles? Many of the answers that is, if there really is a concern for future generations, not greed. While the situation in the real Yellowstone was not so critical, but in the universe of the series the head of the ranch has to reflect more than one attack of employees on their land.

Another possible way to improve the situation of the Park would be a contract with elite developer wishing to build there a luxury apartment with views of forests and geysers. Undoubtedly, this idea would be very popular among businessmen, but, fortunately for the defenders of the environment, it is only a figment of the imagination of the writers, and to fight it will only have the character Kevin costner.

The right of ownership

The vast plains on which grazed wild cattle, the ranges of the Rocky mountains and waterfalls — all this creates in Yellowstone image of a beautiful and mysterious nature, saved by the efforts of the national Park Service and UNESCO.Even regular earthquakes do not spoil it (most of which remain invisible to visitors). But who has more rights to this land: white Americans, who have preserved ancient beauty for future generations, or native Indian tribes?

For a long time, eyewitness stories about the beauty and uniqueness of these places (which are only geysers!) Were considered fiction. Only in the 1850s, overcoming the fear of the Indians, for the first time, the colonialists were able to see the park with their own eyes and take photos that revealed to people the new wonder of the world. About why the Indians kept silence about Yellowstone, is still unknown, although it can be assumed that they did not just want to give their territories to the aliens. But in the end, they had to yield. The situation was aggravated by the “Dawes Act” adopted in 1886, according to which the USA privatized the “surplus” of Indian lands for transfer to immigrants. Prior to the adoption of the Indian Reorganization Act in 1934, their territory was reduced from 138 to 48 million acres, and in most of the established reserves, living conditions fell to the lowest level. Now, despite the benefits of admission to educational institutions and the right to create casinos on reservations, the poverty level among Indians is much higher than the average in the United States. In 2017, every fourth representative of the country's indigenous population called himself poor.

The relationship of the Indians and their new neighbors in the northwestern United States is also reflected in the series Yellowstone. Thus, Thomas Rainwater, the new leader of an Indian tribe living near the national park, becomes one candidate for John Dutton's ranch. Using the money earned in their casinos for the greed of immigrants, Rainwater is going to buy out the ranch and erase all references to Dutton as one of the most insidious representatives of the enemy tribe. Although a work of art is prone to exaggeration, it is easy to believe in the passionate desire of Indians to stop feeling like strangers in their native land.


Park Yellowstone, once hidden from the eyes of white people, is simultaneously in several dimensions. Having preserved the centuries-old nature, it has become an attractive place for some people to relax and a reminder of the terrible tragedies of the past for others. One can only guess whether the new generations will be able to maintain a balance between nature and man and finally find the strength to correct the mistakes of the past for the sake of the future.