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Among the tourist attractions you can find many places which go to the most incredible rumors. So, some of them are still considered to be portals to other dimensions. And you heard of them?

Glastonbury Tor (Britain)

Glastonbury tor or hill of St. Michael is located in the English Somerset and represents the rise (actually a hill) on which is located the medieval tower of the Church of St. Michael. The place is very popular among tourists not only because it offers a panoramic view of the surroundings, but also thanks to the legends of king Arthur. So, some travelers believe that on the hill you can find the entrance to avalon — feels like heaven hereafter, where, according to legend, reigned abundance and eternal youth, and time has stopped.

"Gate of the sun" (Bolivia)

Near located in South America lake Titicaca is located the "Gate of the sun". Design carved from a single stone block, its weight is about 10 tons. Shot about 1.5 thousand years, they appeared at the time of the ancient civilization of Tiwanaku. The local believed that the sun God Viracocha created the human race in this place, and the gates used to travel between worlds. When an artifact is discovered in the XIX century, he was knocked to the ground, and in the upper part of the gate found a big crack, so supporters of the conspiracy theory believed that so they become useless. In fact, the gate could be part of larger structures and also acted as a calendar.

Well Thor (USA)

Well the Torah is a stone funnel, located at Cape Perpetua in the U.S. Oregon. It is also known as "the gates to the underworld". The most impressive crater looks during a tide and in stormy weather, when turning into a raging fountain. To get closer this time to the well is dangerous. Moreover, because of the strong underwater currents from within it are still not explored, so it is unknown how the crater depth and whether the bottom.

Ranmas Wana (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka is a Park Ranmas Wana, in which are preserved the monuments of ancient stone architecture. The lovers of mysticism attracts a carved in stone figure of Sakwala Chakra and design with the stone seats. Many local and tourists believe that the Stargate was here to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations, and the pattern contains information about how to open them. However, archaeologists believe these assumptions are absurd.

The great ziggurat at Ur (Iraq)

The construction of the ziggurat in Ur relates to XXI century BC Is a multi-stage structure, which in Ancient Mesopotamia served as both a Church and a public institution, was built by the Sumerians. According to fantastic assumptions, inside the Stargate, and military action, in which during the XX-XXI centuries, has embroiled the country (now Iraq), on whose territory is the attraction associated with attempts to gain control over the artifact and use it to their advantage. Anyway ziggurat — an outstanding monument of ancient history.

"Magic door" (Italy)

Portal to the world of alchemy is located on the Esquiline hill in Rome. In the XVII century in this area is the Villa of Massimiliano Palombara, who was fond of alchemy. According to legend, one of the magicians managed to discover the formula for creating gold, which he encrypted using a variety of characters. Palombara could not discover their meaning and told me to draw signs on the doors to your garden, so others can try their hand. Till our days there is no Villa, no garden, but a magical door could see anyone.

Mountain Tianmen Mountain (China)

In the eponymous national Park on the territory of the Chinese province of Hunan is the cave "Heavenly gate", or Channels. The arch was formed when a few centuries ago from the mountain broke off a large chunk of rock. The mountain is accessed by one of the longest cableways in the world, drive on the road with 99 bends or walk along the glass path, passing right over the precipice. According to the legend, the man who will rise to the "gate of Heaven", breaking the 999 steps, become closer to God and will be able to attain enlightenment.